Our California Native Garden
Its front page news that California is experiencing a record-breaking drought and you might be thinking to yourself: “What can I do to make things better?” The biggest low-hanging fruit on our list was the large grass areas that surrounded our corporate office in hot, sunny SoCal that required a lot of precious water to maintain. It was time to make the switch to the beautiful California native garden that we have today.
We sought the help of Tree of Life Nursery to make our landscape dreams come true. Tree of Life Nursery has over 500 species and varieties of authentic California plants. They have spent the last 30 years dedicating their nursery to propagating only California’s flora and restoring balanced scenery for our home state. We love all the plants we got from them and they continue to flourish in the oppressive 100 degree summer days.
If anyone is thinking about ditching the grass for a California-friendly change of pace, there are several rebate programs you can take advantage of! We utilized the SoCal Water$mart turf removal rebate program, but there are several listed on the bewaterwise.com website. While saving water is good for the environment and the drought, it’s also equates to big savings and cash incentives! We consider that a win-win.