We ❤ Joey Chou!

We ❤ Joey Chou!

The art and creativity of Disney fans is something that has always inspired us here at Harveys, and the art of Joey Chou is no exception! With a style that harkens back to the art of Mary Blair, and colors and shapes that are oh so dreamy, it's hard to not love the incredible works of Joey. When we were approached with the idea to make a special bag for the Little Mermaid's 30th Anniversary, we very quickly thought to use Joey's art! Not only do his pieces bring out the magic of Disney films, but his style resonates with us at Harveys as well! It's the best of both worlds!

When you delve into Joey Chou's work, it's incredible to see how many things he's worked on! From working with Sony Picture Animation (Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse, Hotel Transylvania), to illustrating children's books, to even doing art for Tokyo Disneyland's It's a Small World, Joey's is taking over the art world (and can be found worldwide)!

We encourage you to look through Joey's pages because his work history is amazing and inspiring to say the least! Joey also does regular signings at the Disney Parks, so be sure to follow his social media pages to keep up to date on when and where you can find him (maybe bring your new Little Mermaid 30th Poster Tote to be signed by him *wink wink*)!

Website: https://www.joeyart.com/

Webstore: https://joeyart.bigcartel.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/choochoojoey/

And don't forget, our Little Mermaid 30th Anniversary Poster Tote featuring Joey Chou's incredible artwork comes out this Friday, 7/19, at 8 AM both in-store and at ShopHarveys.com!


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